Tutoring is available for K-12 students in all academic areas.
Fill out our contact page and we will work to find a tutor who will be a good fit for your child. When we find one, we will talk to you about your child’s needs and come up with a plan for tutoring.

Our Mission
Our mission is to help struggling students build confidence and academic skills.
All learning must start with a confident and comfortable learner.
Find a Tutor
Let one of our expert tutors help your child establish a strong foundation and experience academic success.

Making Reading & Writing Fun
"Anne is an amazing tutor and a laid-back professional, who is a joy to work with! My daughter looks forward to her sessions with Anne and is making progress. Anne makes reading and writing fun, even for a child for whom this kind of thing typically feels like “hard work"!
-Robyn P.
Passionate & Honest
"Anne is one of the reasons our world goes round. She has tutored our son, a rising fifth-grader, since kindergarten. She maneuvered him around dyslexia and other problems I still can’t spell. She’s passionate and honest and fun. Forever in her debt!"
-Kristen S.
Individualized Learning
"Anne is my daughter’s biggest fan, which eases her anxiety about learning. Anne’s dedication to individualized learning and her ability to support her conclusions with data have been hugely helpful to getting my daughter the wrap around support she needs at school and at home to maximize her potential."
-Sarah W.